
Friday, September 21, 2018

STEAM Term 3 2018.docx

Name: Paige Beach Date: 18.09.18

- Coding (Snap4Arduino) and Circuit Boards

In Term 3, the students have been continuing their STEAM learning using the STEAM Electronic kits. They have been learning how to block code using the program Snap4Arduino. The purpose of this learning has been for the students to control one or more LED lights on an electronic Arduino board using code. Each week the coding expectation increased and the students showed perseverance in achieving successful outcomes!

Learning Goal 1. To make an LED blink on/off by controlling voltage from 0V to 5V by programming the Arduino.

Learning Goal 2. To change the speed of blinking to such a high rate that the LED appears to be dimmer.

Learning Goal 3. To make the LED fade on and off by varying the voltage.

2018 - Term 3 STEAM - ‘Coding and Circuit Boards’ Reflective Questions.
Paige and izabela's LED circuit!
What was I learning and why? I was learning how to code and how to make an LED flash alternately because it was a way to proceed a higher level at a lower class.

What did I do well and how do I know? I did very well with working together with Izabela and putting together the circuits and coding. I know because me and Izabela Made 5 LED lights flash alternately.

What challenged me? Trying to help others without being appreciated and wiring all LED lights the correct way.

What would I do differently next time to make my learning more successful? I would ask them to be patient while I try to help them and use the booklet a little bit more often.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Physical features:Tuatara

Physical features:Tuatara

The tuatara is nocturnal so it has very good eyesight and hunts for food at night. Its teeth are part of the lower jaw-bone and it chews moving the lower jaw back and forth. They’re teeth are not like any other animals teeth because they don’t have any! The skin on the other hand is generally wrinkly. The maori meaning of tuatara is ‘spiny back’. They shed their old skin and new skin grows underneath. This reptile must have access to water otherwise they can easily dehydrate.

Sincerely Paige

Cross Country

We did Cross Country. It was held at Mr.Jones. There was a whole lot of other schools racing there too. They were very fast. I came 10th or 11th. I didn’t keep track! The worst part about it as that we had to go over and around hills and mountains. It was 3km. I sure was puffed and I felt like I had died of not breathing because it so hard. When I finished my race I flopped onto the grass so my mum and dad brought me some food from the canteen. I ate a lot. After that me,Izabela and chelena went hunting for money that other people had accidentally dropped! 10 mins later dad left. Another 10 mins later we had to go home as well. But first we went to school to get changed and return their uniform. I sort of enjoyed that. 3km was way too hard for a 9 turning 10 year old girl.;)


Did you think that trees were the only things that could produce air? Well they are not.If you don't believe me 
look it up. Diatoms can also produce air. Diatoms are all different kinds of sizes and shapes. They are microscopic living creatures. They live in water like the pacific,arctic ocean,puddles,lakes and in the sea. Diatoms can help plants grow. They do it when they die. How cool is that. When they die they turn to dust and then the wind picks it up. If the diatom dust lands on a plant it will speed up its growth. Diatoms die when they starve to death. Diatoms can also sink to the bottom of the sea if they are not lucky. They will multiply when they die too. Diatoms eat each other if they have to but they are very fast eaters. They eat ice but as soon as feeding time starts it immediately stops. When the ice is about to break off it makes a similar trickling sound of little bubbles popping and water running. There are actually more diatoms than people. Since there is more water than land there would be more diatoms than the human population.The more diatoms there are the more life and air there will be. To me it is cool and crazy when diatoms still create life when they die. What do you like about the diatoms. Do not answer! It is a question that does not need to be answered. It is called a historical question. Any way diatoms can not eat animals or humans although they eat each other and ice. It is a mystery to all. Even scientists.