Teaching “isn’t” an easy job. Why? I'll tell you!
Because sometimes it gets overwhelming. In fact, it gets so overwhelming you just want to scream your so frustrated. Less sleep can cause horrible things like diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease, just to name a few. So be sure to get the sleep your body deserves.
What happens
Because sometimes it gets overwhelming. In fact, it gets so overwhelming you just want to scream your so frustrated. Less sleep can cause horrible things like diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease, just to name a few. So be sure to get the sleep your body deserves.
What happens
There is way too much work to be done in such little time and no, you don’t get as much sleep as you really think so your body slowly tires. Probably because some kids don’t listen or do their homework so their poor teacher has extra work. And plus, you can’t spend as much time with your family as you hoped. Hey! Family matters but so does education. Family time shrinks incredibly fast so make the most of it! And even though happiness is a great reward, a day off or two is probably a better one. Even though kids get their education they need and pass on, forgetting things becomes a problem.
The bad side
You worry about the little things more often than the important ones. You also spend more than you receive for stationary, books and plenty more where that came from. The more your teacher teaches you the less he/she can teach you and following on the same subject, it takes longer to learn new things that you think so if your teacher is out of ideas, it can take longer to learn more to teach. That might be the end of my bad side of the speech but my good side however...
The good side
Pupils live their lives happily and you get huge rates of happy smiles and even better, you can also become a favorite! Also, you get goodies. YUM! Children learn quicker with teachers around and you get paid for it at the same time. You share your knowledge with students and they share theirs. More books are even made because of teachers! You can also get awards from teaching depending on how well you teach.
Teaching facts
Teachers aren't just gossiping on the teacher's lounge, during an average school day, teachers are spending almost 5 hours on instruction in class and providing tutoring or extra academic support and approximately 36 minutes on student supervision and discipline. Since 2009, Scholastic and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have been publishing Primary Sources. It is a survey taken by thousands of American teachers on issues central to public education in the country today.
Some tips
It is easier to teach when you convince your students that it is magical or something great is going to happen if you do this and that. It helps children to use their imaginations more often. Little kids like to be amazed by how magical the world is and that encourages them to write bigger stories, make cooler things and even pretend they are super. It is also easier to teach when you pretend something bad is going to happen. For example, children like to eat their shirts. To prevent that, (and a teacher at my school told children this) say ”if you chew your shirt, it will make bubbles inside your tummy and you will float away”. Some kids believe it but it’s a great way to stop kids from chewing their shirts when their parents just brought it.
Do you want to become a teacher? If you're a teacher, high five yourself for a good job because you survived the costs for teaching and my speech. Thank you for listening.
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